Featured in Season 1 of Behind the Shutter’s Creator Series
Behind the Shutter’s Creator Series is a 7-episode web series launched in August 2022 featuring some of the best up and coming photographers in the country.
Everything from lighting, posing, and composition will be put to the test.
Pantone Palette Photo Series
An ongoing photo series featuring Pantone’s “35 Inspirational Color Palettes” book.
“The Art of Graduating”
“We are expected to graduate with a well thought plan of what our life will look like for the next two to five years. What if we don't even know about the next two to five months? Dylan Rhudd, a Temple graduate, talks about his journey after graduating college and how upcoming graduates can capitalize on opportunities.“
- TEDx Talks
Click on the video below to view my full TEDx talk “The Art of Graduating:”
The narrative around this project is based on the idea of perception; specifically Perception of Self vs Perception of Art.
Click on the title above to read more and view the full gallery.
Connect. Collab. Create. A closer look at Philadelphia’s largest creative meetup; click on the title above to learn more about the event and its community.